Copper Surround

“I Never go to a hospital, that’s where all the sick people are.” 

It’s an old joke, but, unfortunately, 

It has elements of truth.

Hospitals are indeed dangerous places, 

& the emerging statistics on hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are more alarming than ever.

At least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of these infections. 

That’s the equivalent to the population of a small city. 

Solution : Copper

One effective strategy for combating these deadly infections is replacing some of the physical surfaces in clinical settings with antimicrobial copper.

Today Hospitals across America are excited to announce that they will begin using copper-infused linens & patient gowns in all inpatient rooms to reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

These Copper-infused linens will have a distinctive tan or salmon color. 

All inpatient rooms across hospitals are to be retro-fitted with copper-infused bedside tables & bed handrails in the upcoming days.

Unlike silver or any other 

touch-surface metal,

Copper is recognized as being able to continuously kill greater than 99.9% of bacteria that cause hospital-acquired infections,

& that too Only within 2 hours

“This is not only practical, 

But Revolutionary,”

"This change is about the culture and commitment to safety,

so that we don’t harm our patients.

My sense is that everything we touch will have some kind of copper,

From doorknobs to computer covers and devices used in patient care. 

It will take time, but I believe it’s inevitable." 

says Dr Terry,

Chief medical officer for Sentara Healthcare.

Now wait a second.

Let's Go Back to Our ancestral Roots..

Time and again it has been proved that our ancestors were far more advanced than us – physically, mentally and technologically. 

If we believe in the theory of Ramayana and Mahabharata being true periodic accounts, 

we can conclude that they had better war machines & better health concepts. 

Our ancestors had a higher understating of metals and the reason why they used to eat in Gold, Silver or 

Copper utensils..

Ancient Egyptians used copper to sterilize chest wounds and to keep water fresh.

Greeks, Romans and Aztecs relied on compounds of copper to treat burns, headaches & ear infections. 

Many older American houses till date use copper water pipes in their homes.

Ayurveda knew this, when bacteria were still unknown to science.

When water is stored in a copper vessel the copper gently leeches into the water and lends it all its positive properties. 

The best part about this water is that it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long periods of time.

Known to destroy bacteria very effectively,

It is especially effective against E.coli and S.aureus 

– two bacteria that are commonly found in our environment and are known to cause severe illnesses in the human body.

Copper is also known to help prevent common water borne diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery & jaundice.

It Stimulates your brain by making it work much faster and more efficiently

Apart from that copper is known to have brain stimulant & anti convulsive properties helping prevent seizures & doing a world of good for your brain.

Regulates working of the thyroid gland

Copper is one of the most important trace minerals the thyroid gland needs to function optimally. 

A lack in copper can send the functioning of the gland out of sync. 

So when you drink water from a copper vessel it makes up for this possible deficiency & regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Beats arthritis & inflamed joints: 

Copper has very potent anti-inflammatory properties, especially great to relieve aches & pains caused due to inflamed joints.

Apart from that, copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties,

Making it the perfect remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Skin health & melanin production: 

Have acne or blemish on your skin? Drink water stored in a copper vessel. 

That is because, copper is the main component in the production of melanin 

(a pigment that mitigates the color of your eyes, hair and skin) 

Apart from that copper also aids in the production of new cells,

That help replenish the top most layers of your skin. 

The production of new cells is a boon for smooth, blemish free & clear skin.

Slows down ageing: 

Copper fights off free radicals 

– one of the main reasons for the formation of fine lines & helps in the production of new & healthy skin cells, that replace old dying ones. 

Helps the digestive system perform better: 

Acidity, gas or simply the inability to digest certain foods are common..

Here's where copper comes to your rescue : 

Copper kills harmful bacteria and reduces inflammation within the stomach..

– making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections. 

Apart from that copper helps cleanse and detox your stomach,

Regulates the working of your liver & kidneys, 

Aids in proper elimination of waste & ensures the absorption of nutrients from food.

Aids in weight loss: 

This Magical element helps your body break down fat and eliminate it more efficiently. 

Thereby helping your body keep only what it will use and throws out the rest.

Tired Reading Aren't You??

Well, The list of Benefits goes on.. & on..

Helps heal wounds faster

Helps maintain cardiovascular health 

beats hypertension 

Can fight off Cancer 

Beats anaemia

etc.. etc..

If all its benefits have convinced you..

Try storing and drinking water from a Copper vessel

Here are a few tips to help you buy the right kind of vessel.

It is important to buy vessels that are made of pure copper & NOT the ones that have other metals mixed.

One very easy way to distinguish between pure copper & adulterated versions is to know that copper is a very soft metal and pure copper is difficult to mould into intricate shapes. 

So if the design of your copper vessel is very intricate, 

It is most probably NOT made with Pure copper.

If buying a jug or kalash is too expensive for you, 

you can invest in a copper glass.

Once you have bought it, rinse it out with water & pour drinking water into the vessel.

Keep it covered for around 6 to 8 hours before consuming. 

Washing instructions:

Do NOT use a coarse scrub to wash the inside of the vessel as it will tend to scrape away the copper from it.

Instead, use one half of a lemon (you can squeeze out the juice) and rub it on the insides of the vessel. 

Allow it to stand for a few minutes and then wash off with plain water. 

You could also try using baking soda with water in a similar way.

Thousands of years later, 

Today the ancient therapeutic is being embraced by most hospitals across the globe because of its ability to kill bacteria and other microbes on contact, 

Which is helping reduce deadly infections..


Copper is rapidly becoming the New Gold Standard” in healthcare safety.

As for Me I am Doing My bit..

Are You??

P.S Warning:

Copper is NOT innately utilized by our body. 

That is why too much of the metal can be Harmful.

According to the FDA about 12 mg/day is more than sufficient for the body to use without causing any harm.

So, do not overdo the exercise. 

Drinking water twice or thrice in a Day from a Copper vessel is more than enough to reap its benefits.


Oh ! & My Copper bathing vessel too..

Thank you for reading 
BLOG #12 :)

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