The Call

Altitude : 15,000 feet above sea level

*The jump door opens - slowly*
*Revealing a majestic view of the earth*
*In utter silence* 

"Captain says we're good to Go !" He pushes a button.

*Signal turns GREEN* 

"Good Luck boys ! & God-speed !" He screams over the top of his voice, struggling to crack his vocals above the ever loud plane engines.

One by one They jump out of the flight surrendering themselves to earths gravity.
It's a thousand feet per second FALL. 
Oh wait ! let me rephrase that : 
a SKY FALL for me & a SKY DIVE for Them
- *ain't No "Bond" gonna help you outta This Trouble*

I am the Last one to Jump 
- The pack ahead of me is gone in a flash pulling me right to the front ; at the very edge of the plane 
-The Next & the Final one to Jump is Me.

I HOLD ON to the side bar - It's my turn now.
I peer down and watch the distance - it's a Hell lot more than what i'm used to at My Swimming pool - Fuck.
I ain't doing this.

I begin to turn back.
BAM ! - A Hand appears - on the top of my shoulder stopping me in my tracks firmly,
resisting me from turning back.

"Let's GO Boy !" The Diving Instructor Barks angrily at me.

*Shaking my head* I blurt out a "NO !". 

"Don't Be a Coward ! Just Jump !"

*Yeah right. If only it was So easy* - i think to myself.

*Staring down i pause there for a long moment*

"We're getting late boy. You gotta jump Now ! Come on Go for it !"
*He urges with a little push from behind* 
*I equally resist the force gripping the handle tighter, pulling myself back*

*Again i just stand there for another longer moment staring down at Earth*

I can feel him lose his temper. Tension rising - He's much angrier now.
He begins talking as loud as he can. 
*God knows how much plane fuel i must have wasted by now*
- But i can barely even listen to him over the winds.

Chaos. It's Complete chaos inside me. To jump or Not to jump - that is the question.
unable to bear the sight i shut my eyes.

A blow of wind hits my face & time slows down for a moment.

I feel myself back On Earth.. 
On the Beach - by the winds ; where it all began - one of my most precious memories..

A Sunny Cold winter morning. Sand underneath my feet.
crumple my toes and dig my feet in the sand.. feel the warmth.
I move my palms across the sand 
- as if I'm doing some sort of Tai-chi-shit 
- then picking up a handful of sand and slowly letting it slip through.. 
Yes.. now my soul is satisfied.. So I dig in my palms too..

One with the earth. One with the force. Peace all around.

*A Kayak sits resting on the beach right before me*

Right ahead @ point blank ; sea waves crashing onto the shore. 
I lift my gaze higher and higher further and far more to the horizon..
Sunrise - it's Such a wonderful painting,
but what's beyond i wonder. Beyond that horizon. 

I could be a part of this Beautiful Live painting that's for sure. Although What could be beyond ?? another painting?? another thing of beauty?? what?.. i don't know. 
Only one way to find out.

I stop. To think. Why do i wanna find out? What's making me want to find it out?
- when i could just go home and maybe Google it. 
But No there Is Something out There that's Calling Me.
Calling me towards it. wanting me to have it, experience it, feel it. 
Is that the force ? 
The CALL ? 

It knows I can't swim. Never have I paddled a kayak. 
Fear engulfs me. Still, The call is Strong - stronger than ever..
reminding me that If i never try i'll never know & so I Must Go.

*Just like that a song begins to play inside me* 

I Open my eyes. I'm Back on the edge of the plane.
My instructor seems frustrated for the amount of time it's taking me to take the leap.
I still can't figure out What's he tryna say
- he's screaming his lungs out. 
Of course, it must be the plane low on fuel i'm guessing.

But Now I've Got what i needed. 
If I've made it up here to this height, It's definitely The Call -The force ; that's wanting me to Jump
- to feel it, experience it.

I am scared. 
But I pretend being fearless for a moment. 
I put up a strong Act so that eventually I get used to it.

It's Time. 

I take a deep breath inn.. & without any second thoughs


#Blog 3

Fool Your mind to be Brave especially when it's scared.
Pretend to be fearless, keep up that momentum.. 


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